Human Capital & Company Matchmakers

We match the right company with the ideal talent so both can thrive!

Who we serve

Cybersecurity, IT, SaaS, Cloud, Telecommunications,
BlockChain, AI, Data Center Solutions, MSP, Fintech, HealthTech, Biotech


VP, CXO Levels, Management, Technology Sales, Data Science, Strategists, Financial Leadership, Product Leaders, Marketing, Developers, Engineers

Full Cycle Recruitment &
Human Capital Consulting

Innovative & Evolutionary IT Staffing
Agency and Technical Executive Search Firm

DataFlex connects employers with impeccable talent providing unmatched Human Capital consulting services in and around San Francisco Bay Area, throughout the United States, Canada, EU, EMEA, and APAC

Through our team building and staffing solutions, we bridge the gap in IT/Tech, direct-hire contingent search, as well as executive search needs. No matter the number or level of technology professionals you require, our experienced and knowledgeable recruiters are ready to support you!

Start Your Search Today

Placing professionals across USA and Canada